Accessibility statement

As of 7 December 2023

The website is operated by the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG), located at Stubenring 6, 1010 Vienna. The Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG) strives to make its website accessible in accordance with the Federal  Act on Barrier-Free Access to State Websites and Mobile Applications (Web Accessibility Act – WZG) BGBl. I. No. 59/2019, implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (Official Journal L 327 of 2 December 2016, p. 1).
Efforts are being made to achieve a high level of accessibility and WCAG compliance, with the goal of obtaining the Austrian WACA certificate for the website.
This accessibility statement applies to the website

1 Current  status of compliance with requirements

This website is partially compliant with Conformance Level AA set out in the “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1” and with the applicable European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08).

2 Non-accessible content

The following content is not fully accessible for the following reasons:

a) Incompatibility with Accessibility Provisions:

Not all images have meaningful alternative text. Some images lack the alt attribute. As a result, VoiceOver reads the image path (WCAG Success Criterion 1.1.1 Non-Text Content).
Some content is not yet accessible for technical reasons. If this prevents you from accessing information, please contact The “Nursing in Austria” project team will make efforts to provide you with the desired content with accessible alternatives.

b) The content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legal provisions:

Content from third parties, such as studies that are not within the control of the Austrian National Public Health Institute (GÖG), is exempt from Directive (EU) 2016/2102. No statement can be made regarding the compatibility of these third-party contents with accessibility provisions.

3 Creation of this accessibility statement

This accessibility statement was created on 28 June 2023.

The accessibility statement complies with the requirements set forth in the Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523 of 11 October 2018, establishing a model accessibility statement in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

Individual page content is regularly reviewed by the web editorial team upon the publication of new content.

4 Feedback and contact information

If you encounter any barriers that hinder your use of our website—issues not described in this statement or deficiencies related to compliance with accessibility requirements—please inform us via email.

We will review your request and contact you as soon as possible.

Please send all notifications and suggestions to with the subject line “Reporting a barrier - Website” Describe the problem and include the URL(s) of the affected webpage or document.

Gesundheit Österreich GmbH (GÖG)
Stubenring 6
1010 Wien
Phone: +43 1 515 61-0

Enforcement procedure

If you are not satisfied with the responses from the contact options mentioned above, you can file a complaint with the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). The FFG accepts complaints electronically via their contact form.

Complaint form for the ombudsman

The FFG will examine these complaints to determine whether they relate to violations of the provisions of the Web Accessibility Act, particularly in relation to deficiencies in compliance with accessibility requirements, by the federal government or an associated institution.
If the complaint is justified, the FFG will provide recommendations to the federal government or the relevant legal entities and propose measures to address the identified deficiencies.

Additional Information on the complaint procedure